Breathtaking view of Coteau des Prairies Lodge from our newly finished driveway which follows the ridge of the coteau as it approaches from the west.
Lindsey Breker enjoying the view of the Coteau des Prairies. As the lodge grows in height, the view just keeps getting better! But we aren't done adding height yet...
Bird's eye view of Coteau des Prairies Lodge. Log wall complete. 2nd level floor installed. Time for walls again!
The crew lifts a wall section into place on the second floor. A dooway in this wall section will open out onto the second floor deck, where you will be able to enjoy a spectacular prairie sunset with your friends and family.
Emma Breker plays on the north end of the lodge. What could be going in where the huge gap is on the north log wall?
Noah Breker inspects the progress on the lower level. Uh oh, looks like he found a loose wire.
The mechanical room is the first room to be enclosed. How exciting! And what a glorious mechanical room it is.
The conference room in the lower level is being fitted for a conference table. Destined to be the envy of every conference room in Tewaukon Township.
Corey Arnold sneaks down from college on his days off so he can swing a hammer and grunt like Tim 'The Tool Man' Taylor.
Noah Breker constructs a mini version of the lodge while his brother Gideon and sister Emma find oodles of secret passages and hiding places.
Noah Breker bouncing on the plank leading into the mud room. Who would have known a big board could be so much fun?
Notice the slotted holes in the stud where the walls meet? They are designed to allow the screws to slide down as the logs dry out and the wall settles.
The interior walls insert into the notches made in the log walls. Once the drywall is on, it will look like a perfect fit!
Jeff Richards used a chainsaw to notch out the log walls where the interior walls will meet them.
The crew built special walls called sheer walls which stiffen and provide support for the log walls.
This lovely room opens to your immediate left as you enter the lodge. It will be the manager's welcome room as well as a small retail space for souvenirs and fresh farm raised products.
Nate Rude and his son Aaron work together to frame in the floor on the new south addition. Aaron is good with a nail gun.
Joe Breker welcomes visitors at Coteau des Prairies Lodge. Here he is giving a tour to Jason Phillips and Dave Trandahl.
Jeff Richads is getting some fresh air at work while he is perched high above the prairie on the newly constructed south view addition.
The south view lounge will be the perfect spot to enjoy the scenic wooded coulees and rolling hills of the Coteau des Prairies as it continues it's rise into nearby South Dakota.
Lindsey, Hadassah, Adeline and Olivia enjoy a beautiful evening at the Coteau des Prairies Lodge construction site.
Nate Rude shows off his gymnastics skills. Too bad the camera was malfunctioning while he successfully performed a double back handspring.
Placing the last header log into position. The Header ties the pillars together and will carry the weight of the south end of the building.
Gideon Breker flashes a quick smile while climbing and exploring the lodge.
The crew uses unusually large tools for log construction. And this is actually one of the smaller ones.
Installing the first header. The photo does not do justice to these log pillars. They are enormous and beautiful. The exposed concrete footings will be faced with glacial field stone.
Patty Breker, the caulker extraordinaire, calked every inch of log wall seam.
From the great room, a view of the newly installed 2nd level floor. On the right will be a spacious balcony overlooking the great room and the magnificent view out the expansive windows of the north wall.
Placing log pillars to support the south end of the lodge. These marvelous towering logs, like the rest of our logs, are native North Dakota Ponderosa Pine harvested by our friend John Hanson on his ranch near Amadon.
Kirk Ivankovich guides the entryway header log into place. Required for strengthening the wall, this gorgeous, full-round log will add a cozy element of dimension to the great room.