Have you been patiently waiting for a construction update? Well, you are in for a treat! The construction crew has been working diligently on the log walls and they are very close to being completed (everything is done except a small portion of the main entryway). Building the log walls has been a very labor intensive and time consuming project. But we think you will agree that it has been effort well spent. Enjoy the pictures!

View of Coteau des Prairies Lodge from the northwest along the Frenier Dam road.

A rare view of the east wall with a zoom lens from across the 'bowl' of the Coteau. You'll know what we mean by 'bowl' when you make your first visit to the lodge!

View of the west wall with all the logs in place. Ahhh...finally!!

Inside the Lodge. Doug Spieker was at it again with the welder, he put up the i-beams for structural support.

Bird's eye view of the lodge with the main level nearly complete and the second floor on its way!

Nate Rude, Joe Breker and Phillip Breker get a high view to simulate the view from the 3rd floor loft.

Emma, Gideon and Noah Breker play teeter totter with a log in the Lodge.

View of all 12 layers of logs on the west wall. 1x12", 3x10", 5x8" and 3x6"

'Wild ends' sticking out of the northwest corner. They will yet see some trimming but they will still have a staggered design in the end.

In case you wondered where all the log ends went...Nate has a nice little collection here.

View looking down the completed west wall. It feels so great to have it done! And it looks fabulous!

'Papa' Joe apparently practicing a fire drill...he has his grandson Benaiah in the fireman's carry.

The main entryway is the last log structure to finish on the main floor. It is almost done!

Close-up of the west facing side of the east wall. Just imaging these gorgeous walls being the walls of your room while staying at Coteau des Prairies Lodge!

View out the north windows of the Great Room. The north end will be nearly all windows for a breath taking view of the North Dakota prairie.

Nate Rude working on a corner on the upper part of the west wall. Wouldn't you know...he's using his chainsaw!

Log walls with giant gaping holes...just waiting for some windows.

Joe Breker's cattle graze the northern slopes of the Coteau des Prairies just below the lodge site.

Gideon Breker checking out the second floor trusses. You know, just making sure everything is accounted for.

View of the south side of Coteau des Prairies Lodge. If you like it now...just wait until you see it next summer!