Our nearest neighbors, the Brekers – that is Jacob and Kari Breker – are in the thick of their spring calving season. Jacob, his brother Greg, and his dad Jeff Breker (Joe’s first cousin) have quite the beef cattle operation just a couple miles from Coteau des Prairies Lodge. They have been gracious to allow many of our…
Nature & Wildlife
Birding at the Lodge
We hosted a very fun group of birders at the lodge this April. They recently corresponded with us to thank us for their enjoyable stay and to report their bird sightings, which we were interested to hear about. We were absolutely amazed with the diversity and amount of bird species they observed during their weekend…
July Wildflowers on the Coteau
Come summer, the Good Lord bestows nature’s blessing for us on the Coteau. Beautiful flowers of all shapes and sizes can be found garnishing the floor of the Coteau from April until August. These pictures are a sampling of flowering plants and other interesting plants which are common sights within 100 yards of the Lodge….
The Crocuses are here!
The Crocuses are in full bloom (some are even pushing up through cow pies)! A sure sign of spring on the Coteau!