Jerry Sapa has hit a rough patch and he needs our help. He is staring down cancer. We are hosting a benefit for Jerry at the lodge on Wednesday, February 26th. Event begins at 3 pm (and goes until you run out of money). LOL
Jerry’s good humor and friendly smile have been at the heart of our community for many years. Jerry loves hunting and we think a wild game potluck is a fitting way to lift him up.
Please bring prepared food in serving dish or pan. Hot items need own electric pot or roaster. Desserts and Salads are welcome. Coffee and water provided. Other refreshments will be available.
For questions call or text Joe Breker at 701-680-0379.
You can also send donations to:
Jerry Sapa Benefit Fund
Sargent County Bank
P.O. Box 9
Forman, ND 58032
701-724-3216 (Sargent County Bank)

Just as he has to many of our neighbors, Jerry has become like family to us here at the lodge. Jerry has set his talented carpenter’s hands upon every corner and surface of Coteau des Prairies Lodge. And he has helped uncountable others in the community in their homes, shops, barns and garages.

It’s our turn to give back to Jerry after all he has done to help us. 🙂