Prairies Business Magazine, a resource for business on the northern plains, is running a great article on agritourism in their May issue. The May issue is dedicated to tourism in the region (North Dakota, South Dakota and Minnesota). The magazine hasn’t yet hit the stands but you can already access the agritourism article online. Prairie Business Magazine wanted to hear from an actual agritourism business in the area and so they caught up with our very own Phillip Breker from Coteau des Prairies Lodge. Phillip is Joe Breker’s son and he grew up on the Breker Farm where the lodge is located. In the family venture, he is in charge of the website, social media and marketing materials.
Agritourism is an up and coming sector of tourism. There is a demand for places where travelers and vacationers can have an authentic agricultural experience. People are becoming more interested in learning first-hand about where their food comes from and how it is made. The State of North Dakota has taken a major step in promoting the concept of agritourism by passing legislation to protect farm and ranch owners from the liability of bringing guests out onto their working operation. Read more about that in the article (link at the bottom).
But not only is agritourism educational, it can also be a lot of fun! Imagine yourself hopping in the cab of a Case Quadtrac with Joe Breker during spring planting and learning how an iPad can control an air seeder or riding shotgun with Olivia Stenvold in a Case Axial-Flow combine during corn harvest and watching a GPS mapping monitor instantaneously tabulate grain and yield data as a myriad of sensors throughout the machine gather information. Experiencing how farming has advanced with technology is cool, but some things don’t change. Honest work for the hope of a good year, a hearty meal around the table with friends and family and the satisfaction of watching a crop mature into a bountiful harvest. This the legacy of the generations who have come before us and it is our desire to share it with visitors from far and wide as we continue the legacy at Coteau des Prairies Lodge.
The article is great and we encourage you to check it out! Click here.
![Coteau des Prairies Lodge](
Coteau des Prairies Lodge
Have a relaxing weekend, do some hikeing and maybe some horseback riding. Just some quality time with the spouse. In a gorgeous setting.
see if my sista cousins would join me for a sister weekend or find some quilting friends for a getaway