Registration is now open for the Peaceful Prairie Yoga Retreat hosted by Snowy Cedar Center for Wellness at Coteau des Prairies Lodge near Havana, North Dakota on April 14-16, 2023.
Our theme this year is Celebrating Yourself Now, and we think you’ll enjoy our new additions including a guest instructor, an Ayurveda workshop, and optional add-on well-being services. We are looking forward to gathering in community with you this year! We look forward to welcoming back attendees from last year and hope to see new faces as well. If you’ve never done yoga before, have no fear. This retreat will be the perfect way to ease your way into yoga and the benefits of self-care and self-reflection, and if you’re experienced with yoga, we will offer ways of enhancing your practice.
For more details and to register, please visit our retreat page by clicking the link below.