Cliff Naylor, with KFYR-TV (Bismarck), is known for his regular segment titled ‘Off the Beaten Path’. On his show, Cliff takes viewers across North Dakota and highlights unique and interesting stories from rural communities. His most recent story brought him to Coteau des Prairies Lodge. He came out while we had a group staying here for…
Tewaukon Music Festival 2015 Highlight Video
A few rain clouds couldn’t keep us from having fun this year at Tewaukon Music Festival! See for yourself! Folks of all ages traveled from a wide area to see their favorite musical artists play in the pasture below the lodge. We met fans of FrostFire, Jessie Veeder, 2 Mile Final, Tigirlily, and of course…
Tewaukon Music Festival 2014 Highlight Video
Coteau des Prairies Lodge hosted the FIRST EVER Tewaukon Music Festival on Saturday, August 30th. Folks traveled from a wide area to enjoy incredible live music from up and coming regional artists including Tigirlily, 2 Mile Final, The Dan Brekke Band and The Benson Family. We featured plenty of fun family entertainment such as Mr. & Mrs. Magic, hay rides,…
Neapolitan Pizza [Video]
Enjoy a fun video from last year’s event. Produced by PhotoRx Media. Join us August 9th & 10th for authentic Neapolitan-style pizza at Coteau des Prairies Lodge! Click here for details and reservations.